
Robert Old の暖かいカシミア ソックスは、贅沢さと快適さの極みを体現しています。最高級のカシミアから丁寧に作られたこのソックスは、かさばることなく抜群の保温性を発揮し、寒い冬の日でもつま先を暖かく保ちます。家でくつろいでいるときも、寒い屋外で過ごすときも、どのソックスも足を心地よく包み込むような感覚です。Robert Old は品質と職人技にこだわり、暖かさとエレガンスの両方を兼ね備えたソックスをお届けします。贅沢さと快適さがシームレスに融合した Robert Old の究極のソックス体験をお楽しみください。

Frequently asked questions about MooRER

Yes, MooRER is a luxury brand renowned for its high-quality outerwear. Based in Italy, MooRER combines meticulous craftsmanship with premium materials, offering stylish and functional designs. Each piece is carefully made to provide timeless elegance and exceptional comfort.

The name MooRER belongs to an Italian luxury brand known for their sophisticated coats, jackets, and parkas. MooRER garments are designed with a focus on quality, innovation, and elegance. These pieces are ideal for those seeking refined style and practical warmth.

MooRER was founded by Moreno Faccincani, who also owns the brand. Born and raised in Verona, Italy, Faccincani grew up inspired by Italian craftsmanship and design excellence.

With decades of experience in the fashion industry, he envisioned MooRER as a brand that blends traditional tailoring with modern technology, creating luxurious and functional garments for discerning customers.